Happy Father�s Day 2015 HD Images Messages

At Your age of 1or 2, he would have lost his sleep to take care of u, When u were 8 or 10, he would have lost his favourite perfume 2 pay your school fees, At 18or 20, he would have lost all his savings to give you graduation, At Your 22 or 24, he would have lost his respect to get you a job, To keep you rich, he would have not even purchased clothes for himself, To make You lead a luxurious life he would have not even taken care of his health, He is the only One who spread his personal interest for You prosperous life, Salute You DAD or Papa for his sacrifice� 21-6-2015 HAPPY FATHER'S DAY :) I feel always safe when you are with me.. You show me fun things 2 do.. You make my life much Better� The best Father I know is You Only :) Daddy's hands were soft & kind, when I was crying� Daddy's hands were hard as steel, when I'd done wrong, Daddy's hands weren't always gentle, but I've come 2 understand... There was always love in Daddy's hands :) When...